Medical Information Enquiry

Welcome to Viatris Medical Information.

Viatris Medical Information handles enquiries on Viatris products.
Our scientific content is evidence-based, scientifically balanced and non-promotional.
It undergoes rigorous internal medical review and is updated regularly to reflect new information.
This medical information web-form is intended only for submitting unsolicited medical information requests from our customers, this is for internal use only.

If you’d like to report adverse events, please contact drug safety via the link at Viatris Connect.

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Contact Information
Submitter Information

Files must be less than 10 MB.

Allowed file types: doc docx xls xlsx ppt pptx msg rtf png jpg bmp pdf zip html htm txt.

You can upload a maximum of 10 files.

By clicking "Submit" you confirm this enquiry is an unsolicited enquiry from the customer named above and that you have sought their consent to capture their information in order to address their enquiry.